Our immaculately maintained 43' Cabo is an epitome of luxu. Lets start things off on the right foot with the Honolulu Parasailing Experience! Children 15 yrs of age and under must have their parent or guardian fly with them; SORRY, TRANSPORTATION IS NOT AVAILABLE AT THIS TIME. !function(a,b){var c=b(a,a.document);a.lazySizes=c,"object"==typeof module&&module.exports&&(module.exports=c)}("undefined"!=typeof window?window:{},function(a,b){"use strict";var c,d;if(function(){var b,c={lazyClass:"lazyload",loadedClass:"lazyloaded",loadingClass:"lazyloading",preloadClass:"lazypreload",errorClass:"lazyerror",autosizesClass:"lazyautosizes",srcAttr:"data-src",srcsetAttr:"data-srcset",sizesAttr:"data-sizes",minSize:40,customMedia:{},init:!0,expFactor:1.5,hFac:.8,loadMode:2,loadHidden:!0,ricTimeout:0,throttleDelay:125};d=a.nitro_lazySizesConfig||a.nitro_lazysizesConfig||{};for(b in c)b in d||(d[b]=c[b])}(),!b||!b.getElementsByClassName)return{init:function(){},cfg:d,noSupport:!0};var e=b.documentElement,f=a.Date,g=a.HTMLPictureElement,h="addEventListener",i="getAttribute",j=a[h],k=a.setTimeout,l=a.requestAnimationFrame||k,m=a.requestIdleCallback,n=/^picture$/i,o=["load","error","lazyincluded","_lazyloaded"],p={},q=Array.prototype.forEach,r=function(a,b){return p[b]||(p[b]=new RegExp("(\\s|^)"+b+"(\\s|$)")),p[b].test(a[i]("class")||"")&&p[b]},s=function(a,b){r(a,b)||a.setAttribute("class",(a[i]("class")||"").trim()+" "+b)},t=function(a,b){var c;(c=r(a,b))&&a.setAttribute("class",(a[i]("class")||"").replace(c," "))},u=function(a,b,c){var d=c?h:"removeEventListener";c&&u(a,b),o.forEach(function(c){a[d](c,b)})},v=function(a,d,e,f,g){var h=b.createEvent("Event");return e||(e={}),e.instance=c,h.initEvent(d,!f,!g),h.detail=e,a.dispatchEvent(h),h},w=function(b,c){var e;!g&&(e=a.picturefill||d.pf)? air time. For best experience of this Parasailing tour bring the following items: Pick up / Drop off. 3. Make your reservation online, of if you would prefer to book your tickets over the phone, call us toll free at 1-866-482-9775 or (808) 892-2082 (local). After youre back on shore, you can purchase some digital photos of GoPro videos of your flight! Fly alone, tandem, or even three at a time . ",t);return false}if(t.getAttribute("href").charAt(0)=="#"||t.hash&&t.pathname+t.search==location.pathname+location.search){c.logOther("Link Not Prefetchable: URL is the current location but with a hash. If youre a bit nervous for your first time parasailing, you may prefer the Standard RideRiders which goes up to 500 feet high. Go parasaling over Maunalua Bay on this 1-hour adventure from Honolulu. Views of the Diamond Head and Waikiki skylines! 1-Hour Guided Hawaiian Parasailing in Waikiki, 750ft Parasailing with Paradise Water Sports Waikiki Beach Oahu, 1-Hour 750ft Parasailing with Paradise Water Sports Waikiki Beach Oahu, 750ft Parasailing with Paradise Water Sports Waikiki Beach Oahu, The 5 Best Oahu Snorkel Tours [2023 Reviews], The 7 Best Oahu Helicopter Tours [2023 Reviews], The 5 Best Oahu Sunset Dinner Cruises [2023 Reviews]. Must be 5 years old to Parasail and weigh a minimum of 50 pounds. with validated privacy protection. While it is a bit more expensive than our first tour, you are going out on a 12-seater boat which is much more private and exclusive. Now $136 (Was $209) on Tripadvisor: Pagoda Hotel, Oahu. $('#tablepress-1207-no-2').DataTable({"language":DT_language["en_US"],"stripeClasses":[],"ordering":false,"paging":false,"searching":false,"info":false,"scrollX":true}); Book our Waikiki hotels and resorts and get all these included*: 50% off parking on 1 car. We highly recommend you wear a swimsuit for the purpose of safety and comfort. The nearest airport is Honolulu Airport, 19 mi from the property. Call reservations at 808-941-7275 if you are in need of assistance. ",t);return false}let e=t.href;let n=null;try{n=new URL(e)}catch(e){c.logOther("Link Not Prefetchable: "+e,t);return false}let r="."+n.hostname.replace("www.","");if(! If you need immediate assistance, give us a call, and one of our operators will assist you or schedule a call back. "We asked for the kamaaina rate, which was about $40-something. You will be able to utilize a harness method that entails a dry takeoff and landing directly from the boat, and have the option of a tea bag dip in the water or a completely dry flight, whichever suits your fancy. Adverse weather conditions or other factors may negatively impact the safety of planned activities. Senior citizens age 65+ are entitled to 15% off parasail rides for the entire reservation with proof of ID at check-in. Best Discount! Enjoy spectacular aerial views and feel free like a bird as you soar above the water's surface. We also offer observer packages for the boat ride only. . Waikiki Ocean Sports - Waikiki Parasail. The boat has ample space for you to relax before and after your flight, too. 2. Only a customer who booked through Booking.com and stayed at a specific property can write a review. "loadNitro":"load";let w;let p;let S;let g;let h=["missReason","pageType"];function y(){return"NPTelemetry:"+btoa(Date.now())+"_"+L()+(e?"_o":"_u")+(n? No one is intoxicated (drug or alcohol); It's good to be a kama'aina. This blend of hang gliding and water skiing is distinctively suited to the Hawaiian experience. Parasailing will make that dream come true! before your scheduled parasailing departure time. In addition, the crew was multilingual and showed great compassion to a customer from another group who became seasick during the short outing. Our friendly captain and crew will brief you on operation procedures and safety, and then you'll cruise along the beach and get into your harness to prepare for flight. Customers have the option of a water touch or a completely dry flight depending on the weather. your activities are reserved and guaranteed. - Buy Now! Have a look at our reviews below and see what others think of their experience. Staycation Kamaaina Style! See detailed directions here. Accents No resort charge. Try again later. 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This vessel departs from Kewalo harbor, which is located 5 minutes from Waikiki Hotels. We were staying at Hilton Hawiian village so we just walked over to get our tickets my wife and I had never been parasailing before we had lots of fun all the employees were fantastic from the young lady at the ticket booth to the 2 very good guys on the boat they all knew what they were doing and made it a fun trip. Buckle in to a harness and take off from the boat, soaring over the south shore of the islands for spectacular views. Kama'aina rates starting at $129, plus waived hospitality fees and parking based on availability (added savings of $93/night). Government Discount. Join the Oahu Parasail and Jet Ski professionals at H2O Sports, the island's most experienced water sports center for ocean thrills on beautiful Maunalua Bay! Come fly above paradise with us! For this reason, specific events and locations can be subject to change, delay, or in extreme circumstances, cancellation. Location: 1651 Ala Moana Boulevard, Slip 600B, Honolulu, HI. Must fly tandem or triple. Once you feel the wind around you and see the water under you, that adrenaline will really start pumping! During this 2-hour tour, cruise past Diamond Head Crater through Maunalua Bay on a power catamaran, then dive under the surface on your scooter to see green sea turtles, schools of tropical fish and other native marine life. 50% off Resort Charged (value of $35/day) Discounted 50% off parking (reg. 298. ");return}let e=new PerformanceObserver(e=>{c.logLcpEvent("LCP_DETECTED",e.getEntries().at(-1).element);_=e.getEntries().at(-1).element});let t=function(e){b=window.requestIdleCallback(E);window.removeEventListener("load",t)};k.forEach(e=>{window.addEventListener(e,w,{once:true})});e.observe({type:"largest-contentful-paint",buffered:true});window.addEventListener("load",t)}function s(t){if(!t){c.logOther("Link Not Prefetchable: empty link element. Rental. For Per Diem Specials please call 1-855-945-4068. ",t);return false}if(!t.href){c.logOther("Link Not Prefetchable: empty href attribute. This parasailing crew has had over 30 years of experience, and it shows in their professionalism and how well they teach newbies how to parasail. Royal Hawaiian Resort Aloha +1 (808) 923-7311 Reservations Discover Exclusive Offers & Packages The maximum coveted spot on Waikiki Beach is at The Royal Hawaiian presenting hawaii's maximum majestic Experiences. Fly up into the clouds and feel as free as a bird! Feel free to fly like a bird as you soar high above the ocean's surface and enjoy fantastic panoramic views of Diamond Head and the Waikiki skyline. Enjoy special rates up to 30% off select guest rooms & suites, now until November 1st. SAVE UP TO 25%. Floating 800 feet in the sky above miles of ocean, Waikiki and Diamond Head waiting a comfortable distance away as the sun sinks behind you: that's parasailing in Waikiki. Heavy people must be able to walk healthy without an assistant; Best . Why choose Hawaiian Parasail? *Rate does not include tax or resort . BOOK YOUR TOUR TODAY. uch like the other tours weve covered so far, if youre an absolute newbie whos never done parasailing before, this is an awesome choice. Qualified individual must be occupying the room and must present a valid picture ID with proof of Hawaii residency upon check-in or rate subject to change. Call us to find out about our Hawaii residents offer. Hawaii residents are entitled to 15-50% off parasail flights with a valid Hawaii State ID at check-in. No guarantee. Then there were taxes and fees of over $300 prepaid . 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I highly recommend this to anyone. No single flights unless the weather permits. . If so, our parasailing excursions are perfect for you, and even for anyone you may be with who isnt as excited as you are about flying. Reserve your fun today! Tablets or patches to prevent seasickness if you are prone to getting seasick. Any questions? Mar to May 27 - On Sale Today! Quick Answer: The 5 Best Rated Oahu Parasailing For 2023. Please see cancel policy for activities on the order page for any exceptions. Rooms & Suites. Hop on board their custom-built parasailing boat and experience the ride of a lifetime on Oahu's beautiful south shore! Trust us when we say even if youre scared of heights or have never been parasailing before, youll love this experience! Buckle into your harness while the guides make sure that youre safely strapped in, and youll take off from the boat and into the air! 600 feet $ 69. Parasail 500 feet (152 meters) above the Oahu coast Get fantastic views of the island's southern shore No experience necessary. lazysizes - v5.1.2 */ BOOK NOW. Now Offering Online Gift Cards to Give the Gift of an Experience! A great way to enjoy the beauty of this tropical paradise from the sea and the air, experience an unforgettable parasail thrill ride and fly high on this exciting adventure! Providers have over 25 years of water sports experience; Safety briefing and orientation before your ride; Soar up to 700-feet above the water on an 8-10 minute flight Once the captain finds the perfect spot out on the water, every member of your group will take turns parasailing. Minimum Age: 3 years and older. Hawaiian Parasail utilizes the harness method, for a soft, dry take-off and landing from the boat. Relax knowing Offers are subject to availability and can change at any time. Room Rate. Save up to 20% off, no amenity fees and free room upgrade. Once you board the 12-seater, your crew will go through safety guidance with you along with tips for how to have the smoothest takeoff and flight possible. . After that, the boat will cruise along the Waikiki Beach as the staff prepare you into your harness to get ready for your journey up into the clouds. Save your favorites. . Ride a personal, self-propelled, electric underwater scooter through Oahu's underwater world. and make a U-Turn at Ward Avenue. While you can absolutely take your own photos in fact, its encouraged you can also choose to purchase professional snapshots and GoPro footage. YYou'll board the USS Missouri, visit the USS Arizona Memorial and the Pearl Harbor Visitor Center to learn about the rich history of WWII. This 1-hour tour is budget-friendly and a blast for the entire family or group. Rates are subject to change without notice; Flying tandem or triple . Be sure to see our reviews of Oahu Helicopter Tours, Oahu Sunset Dinner Cruises, Oahu Whale Watching Tours. Lets get started! Best of all, absolutely no experience is necessary! As its just an hour, you dont have to worry about committing to an entire day or compromising other plans or tour options. This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. The triple flight is dependent on the wind and weight ratio for the Captain to decide. Proof of Hawai'i residency required. 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Additionally, please come 30 minutes before your reservation time. Distance from Prince: 0.3 miles. Parasailing in Honolulu, Hawaii. ",{link:t,regex:y[i]});return false}}return true}function h(){let e=navigator.connection;if(!e){return false}if(e.saveData){c.logOther("Data Saving Mode detected. Their parasailing excursions are perfect for you. Youll start off by meeting up with the rest of your group at the booth on Slip F18 thats easy to spot. (some restrictions may apply) . Those who experience nausea from motion or sea sickness should take a preventative medication one hour before boarding. You'll be secured to a parachute, tied to a long tether and take off into the deep blue Hawaiian skies. *Please note: Discounts can not be combined with any promotions we may run. Observers rate for guest who want to ride along aboard What to bring: Four Seasons Oahu at Ko Olina has an array hotel packages and special offers including advanced purchase rates, extended stay-FREE 4th night offer & more. The check in is 30 min. Safety Equipment is Provided & Required. For the safety of our customers and crew, we reserve the right to refuse service to those who are not in good health. Safe, secure online booking system Certain activities are not recommended for pregnant women and senior citizens. Call 1-800-688-7444. Kama'aina rates may vary depending on charter type and time of year. Mercury: 6 passengers total (4 anglers max) For private charters, each additional passenger after 6 is $99 per person. Call Us. We are offering a unique and different from other parasailing experiences. Once youre done with your exhilarating ride, you can kick up your feet and take in the scenery and maybe even some glimpses of sea creatures around the boat! gtag('config', 'G-Y7T9WSZQBV'); Kama'aina rates and packages may be reserved by Hawaii residents with proof of residency upon check-in in the form of a Hawaii State Driver's License or Hawaii State ID with a Hawaii address. 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Juveniles of 15 years or under must be accompanied by their parent or guardian to participate in this activity; Honolulu, HI 96815, Click here to visit our Google My Business Profile. Hawaiian Parasail, for all intents and purposes, provides the very best parasailing in Waikiki, according to Google, TripAdvisor, and Prince's concierge team. Start your day off right, with a Dayspring Coffee BOOK YOUR TOUR TODAY. ",t);return false}for(i=0;i */ /*

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