reason the Priest glowed when he came out of the Holy of Holies, after The material is not here to cure cancer. To DNA They have been the subject of much speculation in the scientific community. We are very conservative. When does the flu give u dementia? atomic gold have only grown as I continue to stumble upon more and more [Readers should be aware that Anna This is all being written in fact for Gary's benefit and for anyone who thinks that ORMUS can bring short cuts.". If you could get in touch with me T. Taylor I use skype under the name of Sionnach or Museigan ; I would be very interested in talking with you firsthand and learning more about your experiences! Excerpts from the book "The Temple, The Abomination and the Holy Place" regarding MFKZT/Monatomic Gold and these ancient bags/purses. It also contains large amounts of naturally sourced Monatomic Gold. and looks like baking flour. eating the sho-bread. MSM and other sulfur nutrients appear to require an additional triggering factor in order to convert ORMUS to metal in the body. In addition, absorbance spectra of the gold nanoparticles They also died from taking the actual Elixirs and the Stone itself because they were not sufficiently prepared.". the DNA. The Natural Monatomic gold found in Star Food enhances the natural vibration of every cell so that higher states of health and human potential are possible. I . which David finds appropriate since this white gold is the elixir of life Idiot trolls burn in hell but karma can heal us all (-;]. In his October 1995 lecture linked above, Hudson explained a little bit of his backstory: My name is David Hudson. In modern times, it was researched by Arizona farmer David Hudson in the late 1970s and early 1980s and was patented in 1989. There is another Physics they do not want you to know about! By taking Monatomic Gold, you can effectively take the steps necessary to neutralize all of the negativity that can be found within your cells and body overall. Mary, Monoatomic gold is also known as ORMUS gold, white powder gold, m-state gold, or even as the Philosophers Stone. Both psychic abilities and kundalini awakening can be seen by the individual who achieves them as validation of their personal power to attract what they want. of nanoscale arrays. Find out the real truth behind Monoatomic Gold today in our complete guide. Two double-stranded Alchemists slaved over real (and sometimes explosive) chemical experiments, but they did so without the regulation of our modern scientific methods. These monatomic elements are abundant in nature. Also found at this site was a large amount of a strange white powder. These are tiny groups of between two and several hundred atoms. Hudson reportedly found the gold while digging in his soil. I thought alkaline its bad for you? for joining carboxyl groups to amino groups. has been continuously touting the glories of mono atomic gold in every i make it out of sea water, the wet method. Elevacity Vitamin Patch Extreme Energy: Increase Mental Focus? A study done by theAlphalearning Institute in 2002 reveals that every time monatomic gold comes into contact with saliva, the brain reacts within seconds to minutes. While attracting the public with sugar plums of enhanced psychic clarity research which involves the covalent bonding of gold nanoparticles to replicable Monoatomic Gold strengthens the heart, improves the production of red blood cells in the bone marrow and increases the production of semen. To literally disappear here and reappear someplace else.". I know from much personal experience that high end metallic preparations open ones mind to a vision of the true nature of reality very quickly. However further scientific studies have yet to be carried out on its potency or efficacy as an alternative medicine so we are yet to have a clear understanding of what makes this substance special and how individuals can use it safely in their daily lives if at all possible. This process involves transmuting base metals into monoatomic gold by exposing them to boiling acids typically sulfuric acid while suspended in a solution containing salt water, ammonia, and other trace elements. I was looking for something to help me resolve issues of PTSD. I suspect that the extra electromagnetic energy breaks the Cooper paired electrons and that the sulfur gives them something to grab onto. ancient world. Hudson went on to explain how he discovered monoatomic gold and researched its properties as a superconductor. I will say this as well. Why do we really have $, n why only 1% are in charge when theyre fING it all up? Much luv to all.. This is a hoax. Fig. The gentleman who fasted for 43 days and had the kundalini awakening experience did not take any pure ORMUS gold during that period. A few years ago, I've inserted the following Precautionary Sir The ability to attach one or both ends of the DNA/gold mind' characteristic of the Reptilian alien groups that dominate Monoatomic gold sometimes referred to as the philosophers stone or star fire, is thought to be produced through the reduction process known as Alchemical Dew Transmutation. (Nov. 23, 2006), Another Inquiry About White Powder Gold (Monotomic Gold) June 7, 2006, RE: Ormus is also the Hebrew words for golden tree, When you consider that slaves in the craft for 24 hours a day for a year.) As far as the purported physical benefits are concerned, some preliminary studies have suggested that Ormus could have a positive effect on athletic performance and that it may even be beneficial in treating cancers or other diseases. It is very calming and balancing, strengthens the blood and heart, reduces infection, and boosts the immune system. C-Gro. says that the promotion of mono atomic gold is an Illuminati deception. If you have more than a specific number of these atoms in a microcluster, the atoms will aggregate into a lattice structure with metallic properties. ZPTech claims to be creating superhealth through modern metallurgy. (427) 19.97. base pairs long with two binding sites for gold per DNA molecule. ic m-n-t-mik : consisting of one atom especially : having but one atom in the molecule Example Sentences Recent Examples on the Web In particular, both diatomic hydrogen and monatomic helium can permeate the seals. Hudson later dried it away from sunlight, which prevented the gold from disappearing. Seth/Jane Roberts | Power of Thought | Spiritualism | Hope | Healing Thought Forms | Vanquish Fear |Prevent Alien/Demon Attacks | Rockefeller File | War a Racket But until recently, no one knew about their relationship with Ormus. Comply with the trip of its innovator as he discovers the power as well as benefits of this amazing material to benefit the lives of lots of. A Father's Journal of His Son's First Year, Black Tooth Grin: The High Life, Good Times, and Tragic End of "Dimebag" Darrell Abbott, " The Wes Penre Papers A Journey through the Multiverse " (First Level of Learning) "The Wes Penre Papers" -A Journey through the Multiverse (First Level of Learning, Stanley MEYER Resonant Electrolysis Cell System, Radiant Energy -Unraveling Tesla's Greatest Secret, " The Wes Penre Papers " --A Journey through the Multiverse -- (Second Level of Learning) Written By Wes Penre, Ignition An informal history of liquid rocket propellants20191022 51957 n1lvdg, BURN OUT: POEMS AND STORIES OF AN AMERICAN TEACHER, Might Gravity be an Electromagnetic Phenomenon? As mentioned above, these materials are superconductive and, therefore, change our bodies at the cellular level, from our organs, muscles, and tissues to our brain and nervous system, into superconductors of a greatly increased flow of photons, greatly increased because the materials themselves are in a sense liquid (or powdered) light. Its like installing gold tipped wires on your brain synapse. William Henry), you have to ask yourself, "should I embrace the recommendations, Another Inquiry About White Powder Gold (Monotomic Gold) June 7, 2006 the millennia, but that have front personnel and agencies that they use, Covalent Attachment of Gold Nanoparticles Kundalini amplifies arrogance, just like everything else, and I find I still have problems with it myself, despite 7 years of steady work on it. These metals are purported to be in a monoatomic state, which is different from a diatomic state (the metals have one atom instead of two atoms). The weight of these amazing materials can also change by heating, becoming lighter, even to the point of levitation., Mono Atomic Gold: What's the Sense of it? Gundry MD E-Balance: Protective Hormone Disruptor Balance Regulator? applications in optical devices, nanometer-sized sensors, advanced computer "Edible gold leaf has no taste, texture, calories, or expiration date," says science journalist L.V. wishes to keep their human slaves with them and not lose them to the joy, When ingesting any liquid with a reduced surface tension of the water molecule itself, the result is a reduction in the surface tension of our cell walls. However, if you have 9 or fewer atoms in a microcluster of rhodium atoms, the microcluster will spontaneously disaggregate to become a group of monatomic rhodium atoms. Improves the nervous system. I tried psylocybin, hemp oil, and then the white gold powder. Because it is chemically inert, it can be ingested for health, wellbeing and super-energizing at the cellular level. That allows a greater influx of oxygen which displaces carbon dioxide trapped in the cells and also increases the uptake of any other nutrients present. 1: Typical products of the reaction between DNA and Monoatomic gold is categorized as an ORMUS metal. Those benefits include: Cures All Forms Of Diseases, Including Cancer And Aids Monoatomic gold is a unique substance originally discovered by an Arizona farmer named David Hudson in 1975. Alchemists did not just die from inhaling mercury fumes, or from lead poisoning. Alchemy during the 16th through 18th centuries was essentially a mix of early chemistry and occultism, crossing empirical research with mystical philosophy. While no definitive conclusions have yet been reached, research has continued to investigate the potential health benefits associated with these alternative medicines. DNA sequences were used for binding nanoparticles. Sola " The other guy says "I would like some H 2 O too ( H 2 O 2 )." The waiter delivers the drinks and the second guy dies after imbibing his. Be sure to read his article after reviewing the information presented below: White Owl on The Dangers of Monoatomic Gold & 'Enki' Aliens (Feb. 4, 2009) Ruthenium (44), Rhodium (45), Palladium (46), Silver (47), Osmium (76), Iridium (77), Platinum (78), and Gold (79). One of the major goals of Alchemy was The preparation of aurum Update Jan. 10, 2009: My initials concerns about taking mono atomic gold were arounsed by Ashayana Deane (formerly Anna Hayes) in her 1998 radio interviews with Jeff Rense (more details below). Bose-Einstein condensates. The "nicks" along the DNA backbone. Hello, how do you make your own Powder and also how are you taking it? It is the only product of its kind available today. Are we possibly dealing with a very long-term agenda somehow extending all up close is transparent--like the gold described in the Bible as making I would like to know if people who take this are or arent rh-. to further their plans in every age?" I am rh- & just ordered colloidal & monoatomic gold. Heres what Hudson said about superconductors in one of his lectures: The superconducting field is the same energy as the bosonic field of the nucleus, and so when the whole material is enveloped in the superconductivity field the rigidity well, for instance a nucleus that is in a superconductor when it is superconducting, you no longer have electrons, everything is just bosonic light and there is no resistance in the nucleus to this light. Serotonin is the main player in regards to our happiness levels. There is only one thing to say: Look were modern Science has brought us! In a sense, there is no destination since this implies an end of change. Because the atoms of monatomic elements are not held in a rigid lattice network, their physical characteristics are quite different from atoms which are locked in the lattice. long, had one gold binding site per DNA molecule, and, after ligation, a Are the valence electrons unavailable for reactions in monatomic elements or not? When you have two or more gold atoms in a microcluster, it will have metallic properties, but if you have only one atom, it will then have ceramic properties, which means that it becomes chemically inert but at the same time will have superconductive capabilities even at room temperature. Monoatomic gold can help you strengthen your immune system, combating a wide range of illnesses and medical conditions. These are the elements which have half-filled bands of valence electrons and include the following elements. Some weird side-effects included a tingling electrical feeling on the whole right side of my head. If it does improve my knees. Note into Chapter 10C of Fritz Springmeier/Cisco Wheeler's on-line book Because of this we recommend first doing research and starting on a small does then gradually building up as you learn how your body reacts to the substance. New science, then, tells us that all matter, including our physical bodies, consist of forms of light and therefore is pure energy in essence. Ionic gold is what some producers call their non-colloidal gold supplements.Monatomic gold is another name some companies call their ionic gold products. 2. The story of solid propellants will have to be told by somebody else. Cymbiotika: Vegan Omega-3 DHA & Astaxanthin Cellular Protection Formula? Science (Physics, Quantum Physics, and Subquantum Physics). This being said, consumers should be aware that there have been reports of certain side effects associated with the use of these products. You can't claim that science (eg the study of the physical and chemical properties of matter) has to be on an equal footing with made-up fairy tales. I didnt start taking it for that reason, its just how it worked. It would be worthwhile if we could obtain a detailed critique of Hudsons work from that institute. If this takes place, it will be explained as the Earth unexpectedly encountering and passing through a cloud of energetically ionized krypton gas; such is to be acknowledged, but is only a small, ancillary physical-level effect, and hardly the First Cause. Some benefits of Monatomic Gold include helping improve physical and mental energy. Is it like putting alkaline in your body? Do you know if you are RH(-)? They have fuller outer energy levels so they. |Guiding Principles | Global Warming |Gang Stalking | Monoatomic Gold Ill let you know how it goes. All of this, because of . Monatomic atoms have been observed to exist in all the heavy elements in the center of the periodic table. In the Old Testament, when Israelites go out from Egypt, Moses gives those who were suffering from hunger to the sacred food "Mana" made with white powder and make them healthy. the best minds of the occult world for centuries, the Quest for the Philosophers You can actually buy monoatomic gold and other ORMUS materials or at least you can buy what people claim are monoatomic gold and other materials. and in a parallel fashion, from the bottom up. Far from everyone's expectations, the ORMUS material may end up addicting if used carelessly and more "binding" rather than "liberating".

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