I askask the God of our Master, Jesus Christ, the God of gloryto make you intelligent and discerning in knowing him personally, your eyes focused and clear, so that you can see exactly what it is he is calling you to do, grasp the immensity of this glorious way of life he has for his followers, oh, the utter extravagance of his work in us who trust himendless energy, boundless strength! Click for multiple Scriptures dealing with the other view (#2) that the inheritance refers to what believers will inherit one day by virtue of their position in Christ. Acts 16:14+ A woman named Lydia, from the city of Thyatira, a seller of purple fabrics, a worshiper of God, was listening; and the Lord opened (dianoigo) her heart to respond to the things spoken by Paul. 6:16; Heb. Will Pauls prayer be answered in your life? [Beloved, do you really believe that is true? (see note), Christ, "the hope of glory," living in us (Colossians 1:27). He wishes them to have eternal life in Christ [John 20:31] and to know that they have it.". The Council's report, released in September 1991, concludes that subliminal messages simply don't work. Jesus answered and said to him (to Peter who was a bit "put off" that Jesus was preparing to wash his dirty feet! ), How is this resurrection power demonstrated even in this letter? It is according to the working (energeian, energetic power, from which comes the Eng. But while countless people place, or rather misplace, their faith in the transforming power of subliminal messages, living faith in Jesus Christ cannot fail to do its transforming work. Kleronomia compounded from kleros and nemo, allot, is first the activity of dividing by lot, then the portion so divided, the inheritance. If we are to ever see revival (ED: PERSONAL OR CORPORATE!) I'm taking this message from this phrase in Ephesians 1:19: "the immeasurable greatness of his power toward us who believe." . Dunamis does not refer to explosive power, as if the gospel will blow men to bits but as discussed above, it refers to intrinsic power. But where are You?. The NTs concept of hope is built on the OT and has the elements of expectation, a trust in God, and the patient waiting for Gods outworking of his plan. Proud member Now the eyes of the believers heart must be continually taken up with his Lord in order that his knowledge of spiritual truth might increase. Now therefore, our God, we thank Thee, and praise Thy glorious name (1 Chron. They are the real eyes for discerning the nature of issues important to God. 8.247; Justin Martyr, Apology 1.61.12; Dial 39.2; 122.1; cf. But I do more than thank. Col 1:28) also I labor, striving according to His power (dunamis), which mightily works (energeo- present tense - continually works) within me. 31:14. These are in accordance with the working of the strength of His might. These include truth, righteousness, the gospel of peace, faith, salvation, and the Word of God. What Does It Really Mean That Your Body Is a Temple? He graduated from Dallas Theological Seminary (Th.M., 1976 in Bible exposition) and Califo More, The Net Pastors Journal, Eng. (Lehman Strauss Commentary Devotional Studies on Paul's Letters to the Galatians and Ephesians- online), Kenneth Wuest says that dunamis "power in the sense of that which overcomes resistance or effects a change" (In Mark 5:30 literal Greek = Jesus, perceiving in Himself the out from Him power going out) It was some of (Jesus') supernatural power which He felt leaving Him in the accomplishing of the miraculous cure". (If not it should be - see Jesus' command in Mt 5:16-note! In my opinion, you cant separate the two, because when your eyes are enlightened to know objectively all that God has promised to give you in Christ, it fills you with hope subjectively in your heart. THE MESSAGE: The Bible in Contemporary Languagecopyright 1993, 2002, 2018 by Eugene H. Peterson. (Lehman Strauss Commentary Devotional Studies on Paul's Letters to the Galatians and Ephesians- online). Paul is praying for the Ephesians to be able to supernaturally grasp the truths in Ephesians 1:3-14 where we see that saints are (1) chosen (Eph 1:4+), (2) predestined (Eph 1:5+,, Eph 1:11+), (3) adopted as sons (Eph 1:5+), (4) accepted in the Beloved (Eph 1:6+- see article Accepted in the Beloved), (5) redeemed through His blood (Ephesians 1:7+), (6) forgiven (Eph 1:7+), (7) sealed with the Holy Spirit (Ep 1:13+) and (8) given the earnest of our inheritance (Ep 1:14+). His power is to us-ward who believe (Eph. The young man then begins to study that nation and enrolls in a missions-focused school. The perfect tense speaks of an enlightenment that has occurred at a point in time and which persists. 1:19). But there is also the effectual call that always accomplishes Gods purpose of saving His chosen people. Copyright 2023, Bible Study Tools. That is why one cannot receive the full impact of the meaning of the Word of God except as the Holy Spirit illuminates his mind to understand it. What did God require of him (vv. I askask the God of our Master, Jesus Christ, the God of gloryto make you intelligent and discerning in knowing him personally, your eyes focused and clear, so that you can see exactly what it is he is calling you to do, grasp the immensity of this glorious way of life he has for his followers, oh, the utter extravagance of his work in us who trust himendless energy, boundless strength! This is also apparent when 1Samuel 2:12 says that Elis sons were wicked men who did not know Yahweh. A marvellous lift was there! Sometimes the passing enticements of this world seek to blind our eyes to the riches of the glorious inheritance that we have in Christ Jesus our Lord. By Gods great mercy we have been begotten again (1Pet 1:3-note). Used from Homer on it meant originally the fragment of stone or piece of wood which was used as a lot. No, because hes after the treasure. . Jesus, You have given us freedom Writing to the Thessalonians, Paul reminded them, Our gospel did not come to you in word only, but also in power and in the Holy Spirit and with full conviction (1 Thess. Dunamis is rather ability, faculty: not necessarily manifest, as ischus: power residing in one by nature. It is the power of God that made this possible. Hell help us, all Heaven will break loose." It would have been a tall prayer if Paul had prayed that we would know Gods inheritance in the saints. In favor of this view is the context of Ephesians 1 (verses 3, 11, & 14). It will encourage you to go on. Here we see a prayer Paul offered with the intention of strengthening Christs church. After salvation, we are further called to grow in Christian virtue and serve God by good works; in fact, it is this maturation process that confirms our calling by God (2 Peter 1:510). They remain in bondage, depressed, and discouraged because they dont see the big picture of eternity. Galatians 5:5 For we through the Spirit, by faith, are waiting for the hope of righteousness. What a blessing to be quickened together with Christ! In none of these prayers does Paul request material things. These things are brought about by the power of God for the believer. Strengthened with might in the inner man (Eph3:16): with all might (Col. 1:11). Thus power unto salvation (Ro1:16): the kingdom coming in power (Mk 9:1): God himself called powerthe right hand of the power (Mt. Even though He has given humankind the freedom to make choices, His choices have already been made (Exodus 33:19;Romans 9:1018). ", Toward (1519) (eis) motion toward = marking that which any person or thing inclines toward (in this case genuine belief). 391-422) argues at length that Paul is referring here to the power of God in raising us from spiritual death to spiritual life when He saved us. Perhaps he perceived a power shortage in the Ephesians saints! But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God; for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned (1Cor. Consequently, they are constantly striving for material things and are continually chasing carnal pursuits. (Ibid). 6:5; 22:18; 24:2, 4; 1 Ki. Ischus is used of the ability of human beings in Mark AND YOU SHALL LOVE THE LORD YOUR GOD WITH ALL YOUR HEART, AND WITH ALL YOUR SOUL, AND WITH ALL YOUR MIND, AND WITH ALL YOUR STRENGTH.' Prolonged from a primary kar; the heart, i.e. We have been called by grace, to glory. Reaffirm your love for Him, and express your willingness to be changed by His Spirit in any way He sees fit. ", Ephesians 1:19 (note) and what is the surpassing greatness of His power toward us who believe. The better we truly know the "hope of His calling", In Ephesians 1:314 Paul proclaims the blessings of our salvation. However, kleros, which meant originally lot, stresses more the individual piece of land allotted by lot, whereas kleronomia points more to the fact of inheritance with all its connotations already mentioned. There is nothing more to seek, nothing more to be given or received. Faith must be exercised in all areas of Christian growth. 2 Kings They have laid all God's revealed character under contribution. 2 Peter Paul wants to encourage us as we realize that our salvation is evidence of Gods surpassingly great power at work in us. The power which is really at work in Christian men to-day is in its nature properly transcendent and immeasurable, and passes thought and desire and knowledge. the thoughts or feelings; also the middle. Photizo - 11v -Lk. For as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. Too many Christians are going hither and yon looking for more blessings, more secrets of how to live a victorious Christian life, etc. 2 Corinthians 4:6+ For God, Who said, Light shall shine out of darkness, (Ge 1:2-3-commentary) is the One who has shone in our hearts to give the Light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ. If not, why not? 1 Clem. TECHNICAL NOTE - There are 25 compounds with huper in the NT, and 16 are found only in the Pauline Epistles. Ezra 9:8 But now for a brief moment grace has been shown from the LORD our God, to leave us an escaped remnant and to give us a peg in His holy place, that our God may enlighten our eyes and grant us a little reviving in our bondage. Rab. But then we cant figure out why this stupid product doesnt work right! Ephesians 4:1 Therefore I, the prisoner of the Lord, implore you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling with which you have been called. But Ephesians emphasizes God's inheritance in the saints. From the particle au; the reflexive pronoun self, used of the third person, and of the other persons. So he should not be judging Adam who shows concern for his unborn child. We want to get out of the trial, solve the problem, move on. I pray that you may know what is the hope of [Gods] calling (Eph. My hope is built on nothing less --DJD. Saints (40) (hagios) describes men and women who have been set apart from the world by the sanctifying work of the Spirit for a specific purpose determined by God before the foundation of the world (see notes Ephesians 2:10). What was Davids response to Gods power (v. 13)? The average ministry is fueled by the flesh. 26:20; Num. 6:14; 16:5f, 9, 15, 17, 19, 30; Ruth 2:1; 1 Sam. 15 Wherefore I also, after I heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus, and love unto all the saints, 16 Cease not to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers; 17 That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him: 18 The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that . 31:10; Ezek. But a day is coming -- oh! This was true for the Ephesians, and it is true for us today. (play "The Solid Rock"), Latter in Ephesians, Paul reminded the Gentile believers that in Christ they "were called in one hope of your calling (Eph 4:4+). And everyone who has this hope fixed on Him purifies himself, just as He is pure. So pray for others and for yourself, that God will enlighten the eyes of your heart through His Word so that you will know what is the hope of His calling. God miraculously did them both simply by speaking the Word of Truth as Hebrews 11:3+ testifies. The analogy that we have quoted, however, fails us utterly in its final working out. Having been enlightened rests on the observation that you cant see in the dark and implies that the addressees used to live in mental darkness but that at conversion they were transferred into the realm of mental light, so that now they can see what the Spirit reveals to them (Eph 4:1718; Eph 5:8; Colossians 1:13). In Jerusalem, on the hill of Calvary, the Jewish and Roman leaders successfully killed Jesus Christ, the Messiah (John 19:30). The KJV has a unique and memorable way of translating this verse And what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe, according to the working of his mighty power", Paxson - God would then tell us that in this wonder-working power is all that is needed for the commencement, continuance and consummation of our salvation: that it is all-sufficient for every demand made upon the saint in appropriating his wealth, in walking worthily of his high calling, and in wrestling victoriously against Satanic powers. He had mercy on whom he would have mercy, and ordained a chosen company unto eternal life; thus, therefore, are they his by his unconstrained election. That having the eyes of your heart enlightened. Ischus is used as an attribute of God in the Revelation saying with a loud voice, "Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power (dunamis) and riches and wisdom and might (ischus) and honor and glory and blessing." Ask Him to impress on your heart the blessings and responsibilities of your calling. Notice in this one letter Paul prays twice for the saints to experience dunamis which He associates with the indwelling Holy Spirit. Copyright 1993, 2002, 2018 by Eugene H. Peterson. (See Ro 5:1, 2+). That which is dynamic is characterized by energy or forces that produce motion, as opposed to that which is static. This certainty is provided in Jesus Christ. The fact that God exerted such mighty power to save us implies that His same mighty power will keep us. (See Paul and the Mystery Religionsand What were the mystery religions?) Observe, Those who have their eyes opened, and have some understanding in the things of God, have need to be more and more enlightened, and to . Judges (seeEphesians Through Revelation), Complete Biblical Library - This power always operates "in Christ." Instead, it is powertowardus (Ephesians 1:19ESV, emphasis added). Therefore, has the meaning of strength, might, dominion, mastery.(Ephesians: An Exegetical Commentary), Kratos - 12v -Lk. THOUGHT - Beloved, there is a powerful principle taught in this section. You have given us freedom, That I'm dressed in Your royalty As believers in Jesus Christ, we have resurrection power! Knowing these truths in a deeper, more intuitive way, you will be empowered by His Spirit to stand firm on Who He is and how faithful He will be to all of His promises towards you. The psalmist understood that the supernatural Word of God was unlike any writing of man and thus pleaded with God to Open (Hebrew galah = Piel stem always denotes "to uncover" something which otherwise is normally concealed. But God waits to realize in us all that He has prepared for us; and the third item in the apostle's prayer for his converts is that they might know "the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe. Thank You, Father, in Jesus' name, AMEN. 12:9). 1:51; Acts 19:20; Eph. Into the city enters nothing that defiles, or works abomination, or makes a lie. of Most uses are figurative. 1:9), God has saved us and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace which was granted us in Christ Jesus from all eternity. Knowing that you are saved because in eternity God purposed to save you and that His purpose is certain, will give you assurance you when youre struggling with doubt or failure. Having all our needs met by God (Philippians 4:19) (see note), The "wisdom and knowledge of God" (Romans 11:33) (see note). 1. Hope gives us the assurance that we are going toward something better than this present life. 1:911; Col. 1:912), we discover the blessings he wanted his converts to enjoy. 1:3; 2:1; 3:9; Hab. In time, Fuller himself became a powerful evangelist, helping usher radio evangelism to the forefront with weekly broadcasts from Long Beach Municipal Auditorium, heard nationwide. 15-19Thats why, when I heard of the solid trust you have in the Master Jesus and your outpouring of love to all the followers of Jesus, I couldnt stop thanking God for youevery time I prayed, Id think of you and give thanks. The power which raised Christ from the grave, lifted Him to heaven, put all things under His feet and made Him the Head over all to the Church, is to us-ward who believe. When we are saved we receive all of Gods grace and all of His power, and that assures us of the realization of our eternal hope. The next time we feel weak, we need to recall this passage to our mind (a present imperative command in Php 4:8-note), not in the sense of "mind over matter" but in the sense that this is what is true about us, a truth that we need to walk in by faith (2Cor 5:7, Col 2:6), even (especially) during those times we feel weak (cp 2Cor 12:9-10-note) or inadequate (2Cor 3:5-6-note, 1Cor 15:10-note). They propagate self-effort and introspective meditation, but spiritual enlightenment doesnt come through such means. Paul was called by God: Paul, a servant of Christ Jesus, called to be an apostle and set apart for the gospel of God (Romans 1:1; cf. Paul does not want these believers to be like Chief Crowfoot. In this sermon on Ephesians 1:18 titled "The Hope of His Calling," Dr. Lloyd-Jones expounds this great prayer of Paul and carefully navigates between the general call of God in the gospel for all and the effectual call of the Holy Spirit for believers. From her own people Rome raised an army, animated it with patriotism, and ordered it to fight. We shall conquer him eventually, for God has willed his truth to triumph through us. But wholly lean on Jesus name. Peter expresses the same thought in 1 Peter 1:5, where he says you are protected by the power of God through faith in Christ. Or the funds to go on the radio. Represented by Tyndale House Publishers. All rights reserved), If someone sees the best in me, 6:10; Col. 1:11; 1 Tim. This day is as a thousand years because in your day of difficulty and dilemma, pressure and pain, sadness and sorrow, you have the unique opportunity to share the fellowship of the Lords suffering and to pray for others in a way you never would have been able to otherwise. Sign up now for the latest news and deals from Bible Gateway! Daniel 4:18), being darkened in their understanding, excluded from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them, because of the hardness of their heart. In other words, sin blinds the minds of unbelievers and renders them incapable of understanding the truth of the gospel, unless God opens their blind eyes (2 Cor. 3:20). (Eph 1:3). May God not find the whine in us any more, but may He find us full of spiritual pluck and athleticism, ready to face anything He brings. 4:18; 2Co 2:14), and touch (Acts 17:27). Thus chosen, purchased, and subdued, the rights of our divine possessor are inalienable: we rejoice that we never can be our own; and we desire, day by day, to do his will, and to show forth his glory. Or if you are so afraid of robbers that you cannot really enjoy it? Where do we find the power to overcome anger, resist greed, offer forgiveness, or pursue sexual purity? Paul describes unbelievers as (Eph. All who receive it respond in faith. Illustration - Brian Harbour - Back many years ago, a young boy accompanied his father and mother as they took the wagon into town for supplies. It conveys the idea of effective, productive energy, rather than that which is raw and unbridled. In later Christianity this enlightening was equated with baptism (cf. Paul writes to the believers at Rome asking "Or do you not know (eido) what the Scripture says in the passage about Elijah, how he pleads with God against Israel?" (1Pe 1:5-note) The idea is that we are being brought through an enemys country under a strong escortas (escort = a person or group of persons accompanying another to give protection ) the women and children from Lucknow, between the double line of English soldiers, till they were safe from the onset of the Sepoys. Personal / Possessive Pronoun - Genitive 2nd Person Plural. We are dearer to Him than all the worlds He has ever made; more precious than all His other creation. He is the Spirit of wisdom and revelation (Isa. Love will only give itself to love. (Ephesians Through Revelation). But, as we do with so many owners manuals, we read it superficially or hardly at all and then wonder why the Christian life isnt working the way its supposed to! And this is God's message to thee, O Christian soul! WE DON'T JUST NEED A LITTLE HELP, A LITTLE "PUSH" SO TO SPEAK, BUT WE NEED HIS SUPERNATURAL POWER - cf Php 2:13NLT+) overcome our difficulties each day. And yet what food for faith. View (1) is probably the more valid interpretation although both views are taught in Scripture and the Greek text does allow for both interpretations. Vine comments - Eido/oida, to know, suggests intelligent perception, in contrast to ginsk which indicates progressive knowledge. God glories in his saints. Will you, starting today, begin to know by experience GodGods callingGods richesand Gods power?" CD players dont have needles, he said, laughing. 28:9; 33:12; 78:62, 71; 106:5, 40; Isa. He reminded us of the motivation behind prayercommunicating with the One who is in control of all things. They became thine in the Council chamber of eternity, when the Father gave Himself to thee in Jesus. It refers to the inherent strength which displays itself in the rule over others. Scripture: Genesis 2:15-17, Psalms 121:3, Philippians 4:19, James 1:17, Ephesians 1:3, Revelation 21:9, Romans 8:21-26, . I have often felt that way myself. After all, what good is it to have wealth if you are too weak to use it? Some of the fairest hopes that ever blessed human vision; the most delightful friendships; the most perfect dreams of delight, have faded and withered before our eyes. After the service, he drove to nearby Hollywood and stopped his car in the shade of a eucalyptus tree in Franklin Park. It is the active exercise of supernatural power." They will give us the strength to persevere in godliness. They don't deliver the life-transforming power they promise. Only here in the NT (hapax legomenon)BDAG -1. quality of exceeding a standard involving physical magnitude (size),2. quality of exceeding a standard of excellence, greatness.". What a transformation took place in Peters life between the end of the Gospels and the beginning of Acts. (Drawing Near: Daily Readings for a Deeper Faith), Charles Stanley -LIFTING OUR LEVEL OF PRAYER, SCRIPTURE READING: EPHESIANS 1:1823 KEY VERSE: EPHESIANS 1:18. (Matthew 13:31-32) He used the mustard seed to teach His disciples an important lesson about faith and victory. Hoehner adds this description on elpis -In Greek thought hope consists merely of a consoling dream of the imagination designed to forget the present troubles but yet leaving one with many uncertainties. 1:6, 14; Ezek. But not content with this, in the following year he pushes his fences back further into the depth of prairie or forest, and again renews his efforts to compel the land to yield him her secret stores. No longer bound by sin and darkness Software Full Name: Adobe Premiere Pro 2023. 5:13): shall not be able (Lk13:24): I can do all things (Phil4:13): availeth much (Jas. Living in the light of Your goodness (cf 2Co 6:11-13+)(Ephesians Commentary). You called me from the grave by name Then we begin to possess the power that God has already given us in Christ. It is hope that Paul here links with Gods effectual call: Scholars are divided over whether hope refers to the subjective emotion or to the objective content of our promised blessings in Christ. The ESV also picks up the perfecttense rendering it "having the eyes of your hearts enlightened," which also describes a past completed action. Thus, His possession is located in the saints. Hebrews 10:32+ But remember (present imperativeseeour need to depend on the Holy Spirit to obey) the former days, when, after being enlightened, you endured a great conflict of sufferings. Not a portion of but proportionate to! The child that lies in yonder cradle, over which the coronet is emblazoned, may claim his broad ancestral estates simply by right of birth: and it is on that tenure that the saints hold heaven. I have a heritage of joy, (NLT - Tyndale House), Phillips: that you may receive that inner illumination of the spirit which will make you realise how great is the hope to which He is calling you - the magnificence and splendour of the inheritance promised to Christians - (Phillips: Touchstone), Wuest: the eyes of your heart being in an enlightened state with a view to your knowing what is the hope of His calling, what is the wealth of the glory of His inheritance in the saints,(Eerdmans Publishing- usedby permission), Young's Literal: the eyes of your understanding being enlightened, for your knowing what is the hope of His calling, and what the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints. The boy responded, "I wasn't shy. If the Christian message is true, the world is on the way not to dissolution but to consummation.

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