However, new guinea pig owners should be prepared for a long-term commitment. During our research we learned that there are two possible reasons why: Malnourished - not getting enough to eat of the right kinds of food Back to back pregnancies - due to nutrient deficiencies This was one question that had me really worried. Pregnancy is very difficult for guinea pigs, with at least 1 out of 5 of the mothers dying during birth. The first twenty four hours are when the babies are at greatest risk for being eaten, so remain close during this period. Under certain circumstances, the sow may eat her offspring for various reasons. Guinea pig babies are actually called pups. Guinea pigs need fresh water daily. An adult guinea pig will never deliberately harm or eat a newborn guinea pig. Find The Best Deals on Your Favorite guinea pig Products and Save! Guinea pigs are different from many other species; they are born with teeth and fur, and almost immediately they can see and walk around. And guinea pigs are quite fertile little creatures too! (What You Need To Know)Continue. We kept a close eye on Theo as her due date approached. Can Rabbits Eat Grapes Pros And Cons of Grapes For Rabbits. Some have lengthy, silky hair, and others have brief, tough coats. If you want some more information on guinea pig interactions, check out these posts: The Truth About Single Guinea Pigs (Is It Okay To Just Have One?) Begin by holding your guinea pig gently on their back. This is especially important in guinea pigs, as they are highly social animals. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases made by my readers, but it doesn't cost you anything at all. Do Guinea Pigs Miss Their Owners? (Fun Facts) - Own Your Pet Baby guinea pigs for adoption are usually a little cheaper than guinea pigs for sale, and often come with a clean bill of health from a vet. I love animals, and I have three beautiful boys. Cute Guinea Pig Names 200 Unique Names To Choose From, Cow Names Over 400 Amazing Names For Your Cattle, Giving your litter the best start begins before your sow is even pregnant make sure she has a clean bill of health from a vet before she is mated, and buy a. If this happens, pop them back in with her, and visit again later. Do Guinea Pigs Acknowledge Their Identify? (Easy methods to Train Them) Dwyer, C.M., et al, The effect of maternal undernutrition on the growth and development of the guinea pig placenta, Journal of Developmental Physiology, 1992. Keep the male guinea pig separate from his female partner to keep her safe and reduce the stress. They need it in unlimited amounts, as it helps them keep their teeth trimmed and ensures the proper functioning of their sensitive digestive system. This page is stuffed full of information about how to care for your baby guinea pig. (2020, May 5). If this is the case, you obviously dont need to take these steps. Read Also: How Often to Clean Guinea Pig Cage. And, when it happens, it is usually an accident, not a rule, and intentional behavior. Baby guinea pigs are called pups. They will begin to wriggle and move about as soon as theyve been licked clean by their mom. A male guinea pig eats the babies only by a strange occurrence. Do everything you can to fulfill the wants and needs of the pregnant female, to make her feel safe and comfortable. Will the baby guinea pigs be able to escape the enclosure? (Such as blood and remaining body parts). And all the behaviors theyll need to carry out for themselves instead of having performed for them by mom like grooming will be well established. When you do approach the a baby guinea pig, be careful to move slowly and gently. But recognising the biological reasons why it occurs makes it easier to avoid. While it is a hard thing to think about, it can happen. Wed love to hear from you in the comments below. Guinea pigs diet rests on grasses, herbs, hay, and raw fruits and vegetables. When female guinea pigs eat their babies, they can do so because they are excessively hungry and because they are under a lot of stress that they cannot handle. She is then back to cuddles and snuggles. From there you can jump straight to the answers you need, or join us for a complete overview of baby guinea pig development, week by week. Use the tips in this post to understand why piggies eat their babies and to prevent it from happening. Another challenge that people face is that they may not be able to tell if the guinea pig is sick or not., Pregnancy toxemia in Guinea pigs. (What You Need To Know), Can Guinea Pigs Eat Clementines? Do Chickens Get Lonely? Do not over-handle the mother or you could cause her stress which will lead . But if you have a tiny little guinea pig with a noteworthy squeak, this name is pretty darn adorable. Besides, guinea pigs should eat about 1/8 of pellets, and about a cup of a mixture of herbs, vegetables, and fruits, but all in moderate amounts. Prepare to separate the male and female baby guinea pigs by at least three weeks of age., Why do animals sometimes kill their babies? We placed an additional water bottle in the cage so that it was low enough for the babies to reach it. I thought they would be born helpless and look like baby rats or hamsters with no fur and their eyes closed. Try brushing your pets coats regularly as this can create soothing and pleasant connecting experiences. And within a few hours nursing should be established. If the litter is too large, the mama . Medical Disclaimer. Since males can get any female guinea pig pregnant once they reach maturity - including their mothers - they're weaned and taken from their mother at three weeks old. (And yes, its one of the more gruesome animal interactions in the wild.). This can lead to health problems. Guinea pigs make eleven different call types. Bathing them, if its something you plan to try, should wait until they are at least eight weeks old. How long does it take for a baby guinea pig to walk? This is one of the biggest reasons why a sow will engage in filial cannibalism. The litter size ranges from 1 to 8 pups, but a litter of 2 to 4 is more common.A female can give birth to up to 5 litters per year. Try to provide your pet with the extra company as much as you can, even if only for a short period of time. Keep your little friend calm. A female guinea pig usually wont eat a baby guinea pig deliberately. Yes, guinea pigs eat their babies albeit very rarely, mostly by accident. A male guinea pig might seriously injure his babies because he is territorial and feels intimidated. Remember to remove any they leave, as it will spoil quickly. Wed love to hear about your experiences in the comment section below! This can happen if the guinea pig is not being fed enough timothy hay, pellets, vitamin C supplements, etc. RSPCA Knowledgebase Let Australias most trusted animal welfare charity help you answer the big questions. Six or seven weeks old is the age at which most breeders will let their pups go to their new homes. Also, female guinea pigs eat their young if they are overstressed and afraid because they cannot handle the situation. He may also help to nurse the babies. For instance, most rats eat their babies. Even their own children. ClickHEREfor a peek at my disclosure. First of all, dont be too hard on yourself. Owning Guinea Pigs | VCA Animal Hospital Guinea pigs are fragile animals at any age but especially during their early days of life. It is fine to carefully handle your new guinea pig pups during their first week, but be sure to allow them plenty of time with their mother as well. of 2-4. (Fun Facts). When female guinea pigs eat their babies, they can do so because they are excessively hungry and because they are under a lot of stress that they cannot handle. Paying lots of brief visits to your litter with mother, and getting them used to gentle handling without worrying them are going to be a vital foundation of good socialization. Male baby guinea pigs have a donut-shaped genital opening in front of their anus. If you keep a male guinea pig with the mother and babies, introduce them slowly, so there is no aggression between the two adults. She needs more food and more nutrients to prepare her for the process of giving birth and nursing her babies. After three weeks, baby guinea pigs can be separated from their mother and placed with other guinea pigs or their owner. (And How? Yes, guinea pigs do mourn. My mission is to teach others useful tips and tricks about these cute creatures. Newborn Baby Guinea Pigs: What to expect? (it's not what you think) If guinea, Read More What Fruits Can Guinea Pigs Eat? Guinea pigs can recognize their owners and other people they know and trust. This may confirm why male guinea pigs eat baby guinea pigs, Guinea pigs are stressed out during placenta feeding and may eat the babies thinking its the postpartum part, They lack food and energy after their babies are born. Handling them too much too soon can disrupt the bond they need with their mother in order to nurse from her, and huddle against her for warmth. This is called precociality. An adult female guinea pig will never harm or eat newborn babies. In this article, we will focus on some important aspects of caring for guinea pig babies. They need supervised time out of their cages each day to run around and exercise. If your guinea pig becomes restless or starts to squeak loudly it is a sign that he is ready to go back to his cage. Home - Guinea Pigs - Do Guinea Pigs Miss Their Owners? It is important to note that guinea pigs can get attached to their owners and may experience signs of separation anxiety when they are not around. The average guinea pig gestation is 59 72 days. One of the ways they do this is through "wheeking". Although pet guinea pigs eating their pups is a very rare incident, it does happen sometimes. (2010, July 22). Theyve learned all the skills they need for independence, and theyre ready to leave the nest. Female guinea pigs dont intentionally eat their babies nor do they kill them to eat them. Yet, the mother guinea pig will take care of them during the first few weeks, so dont separate them from her. The bond between a mother and her baby is crucial for the babys development. The more factors that are present, the higher likelihood shell eat her pups. You need to be able to provide your guinea pigs with regular ample attention all the time. You might also notice they squeak in distress when you take them away from their mom. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Squeaks and Nibbles is a participant in the Amazon EU Associates Programme, an affiliate advertising programme designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to, Squeaks and Nibbles is also a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to How long does it take for guinea pigs to be born? How long before you can handle baby guinea pigs? These colorful, chore charts will help you keep track of when to feed your fuzz butts, clean their cages, and much more. The average guinea pig litter is 2 to 4 pups. In the next section weve assembled some of the most commonly asked questions our readers have about their baby guinea pigs. If you are considering getting a guinea pig, ensure you can provide them with the social interaction they need. We spent some time coming up with cute guinea pig names for our babies and decided upon the following; Moose, Aspen, Moon and Finn! Do Guinea Pigs Eat Their Babies if You Touch Them? Do Guinea Pigs Recognize Their Owners? (How to Tell) All rights reserved. After giving birth, the mother guinea pig is likely to eat the placenta but can end up eating her babies by mistake. What Should I Do if My Guinea Pig Eats (Or Kills) Her Babies? It may take some time for him to become comfortable with you. Your guinea pig will be frustrated if their youngsters are upset or stressed. Guinea Pig Animal Facts | Cavia porcellus - AZ Animals The gestation period is about 59 to 72 days or about two months. If you are a new guinea pig parent or have an unexpected pregnancy like we did, you too may have lots of questions about newborn baby guinea pigs. Most people find guinea pig babies sweet and beautiful. It can be difficult to tell the difference between male and female guinea pigs under three weeks of age. One reason why a guinea pig mother might eat one of her pups is that she is extremely malnourished. Most guinea pigs cages are designed for adult guinea pigs with a one inch space between the bars. On the other hand, if it turns out that they dont form any attachment to their young, then we can rest assured knowing that there isnt anything we need to worry about. They will nurse every two hours for the first three weeks. Its just as important that your baby guinea pig also spends most of their time with other guinea pigs. Berryman, J. C., Guineapig Vocalizations: Their Structure, Causation and Function, Ethology, 1976. Also, they should have unlimited amounts of timothy hay and water all the time. Every baby guinea pig needs its mothers milk, which provides enough nutrition during the first crucial days of their lives.

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